jeudi 16 août 2018

How To Win The Michigan Dance Competitions

By Walter Lee

Music contests have been there for decades. Dancers have come and gone, either due to old age, disappointment, injuries or other priorities in life. However, this does not affect you as an upcoming or experienced dancer. You only need determination and confidence that you are the best. With a positive attitude, you will surely beat so many famous and experienced dancers in the next annual Michigan Dance Competitions.

A fearless dancer makes the judges fall in love with his/her performance. Therefore, put fear aside and master courage. If you fear he judges, you will surely fail. Therefore, make sure you are confident enough. Believe that you are the best and do your best. Another thing, ensure that you maintain eye contact with all the judges. Put up a smile, even if it is fake. This way, the judges will believe in you.

In all music and dance competitions, choreography remains to be the master. Therefore, if you have a dancing crew, make sure that you are flawless in all your steps. Also, ensure that you coordinate well with the rest of the team. Make the judges fall in love with your steps. If possible, show some emotions in the moves and follow the beats of the songs. In short, do your best.

Practice is what makes people become better dancers. Stepping on the platform without practicing is like roasting yourself. Therefore, take time to perfect your moves. The contest may be months away but the earlier you rehearse, the better you become.

While dancing, avoid hiding your face. Judges need to see the emotions registered on your face. They want to read the story on your face. Therefore, make sure that your face is always visible. Utilize every part of your body because a good dancer dances with every part of the body.

If you are in the backstage waiting for your turn, make sure you warm up. This will help you get rid of the anxiety. More so, warm up helps you to get rid of cramps and makes your muscles less tense. This will, in turn, reduce injuries as you will make your body and muscles calm. Find a spot in the backstage and concentrate on your warm up.

You cannot perform well if you are overwhelmed and tense. Be calm when you get on stage. Do not fear that the previous or the next contestants will outdo you. Perform as if you are alone on the podium. Once you believe that you can make it, you will give a breathtaking performance.

Most importantly, learn to balance between the moves and emotions. Coordinate every part of your body, from head to toes. Release the anger in the song through the steps and emotions. A great dancer does not think about anything else apart from the performance. Therefore, make sure your mind is clear and get entirely absorbed in the song you are dancing to.

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