dimanche 27 mai 2018

Tips To Help You Become A Great Freelance Voice Over Artist

By Debra Sanders

Becoming a great vocal performer isn't as easy as it seems, even if one was born with a great voice. As any freelance voice over artist Los Angeles will tell you, it takes years of practice and hard work to reach any level of success. With that in mind, why not take a look at some of the techniques you could use to fortify your talent?

Similar to how you'd stretch your muscles in preparation for a workout, your vocal cords also need a warm up before practice. Be sure to explore various sounds, scales and mouth openings while doing this. This will not only improve your utilization of air flow and breath, but also minimize your likelihood of straining your voice.

Tweaking your breathing technique to ensure your lungs are properly inflated will give you more control over your voice when singing or performing. Experts recommend breathing from the diaphragm to make the bottom part of the belly expand, rather than the rib cage. Adopting this fully will obviously take a bit of practice, but it should help you develop more stamina and capacity.

Even with consistent practice, it's hard to know how your voice sounds in the ears of an audience. It's for this reason that you should consider recording your practice sessions and reviewing the clips. Just use a smartphone if you have one, or look for a decent plug-in mic for your PC. What matters here is to explore variations of your voice and highlight areas that need improvement.

Perfecting a skill in isolation is always easier said than done, and vocal training isn't any different. Besides, it's possible to end up hurting your voice if you keep practicing the wrong methods. The involvement of a professional coach in your strategy could be the difference between success and its lack thereof. Online tutorials can also be of help if you can't afford to hire a trainer.

Sound is a product of the rapid vibration of the membranes in your vocal cords. These function best when they're sufficiently lubricated, so make sure to drink plenty of water across the course of each day. Consuming foods rich in moisture will also keep you hydrated, as will abstinence from coffee, alcohol, and other dehydrating substances.

The makeup of your voice shares a direct link with your physiological shape. And while getting enough rest sounds like common sense, it's during sleep that your vocal cords recover from the rigors of training and adapt with time. Plus, the more sleep you get, the less the likelihood of running out of energy during a performance. If you're having trouble falling or staying asleep, see your doctor for checkups and treatment.

Think of your body as a carry case for your voice; your ability to make the most of this asset ultimately depends on your well-being as a whole. So while a physical workout routine won't necessarily improve your vocal technique, you need to approach it with as much respect as you would other aspects. This means maintaining a disciplined exercise schedule with intervals of rest and recovery.

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