vendredi 22 septembre 2017

Container Garden Ideas For Urbanites And Apartment Dwellers

By Ann Lewis

There are numerous advantages to container/Vessel gardening such as lack of room or space for a full size garden, apartment living or just to decorate your patio area. Vessel gardening is also ideal if you have very poor soil in your yard, as growing plants in a vessel can be controlled and easy to tend. Below is a preposition of container Garden Ideas that will add color and interest to any area.

When it comes to limited outdoor space, including a small yard, or balcony and a shared courtyard, container gardening will serve you right. This gardening option offers the ability of growing a variety of fruits and almost all types of vegetable. This only requires the right conditions, including enough space for an appropriate size of container and the right level of sun exposure.

I find container gardening extremely efficient on space. With the system, every ounce of your soil will count as there is no wastage of any growing space underfoot during plant caring and harvesting. As a container gardener, I am also able to chase the sun where necessary by simply lifting the container and moving it throughout the day. There is also an incredible amount of shade vegetables with the ability to tolerate and thrive in dappled sunlight and partial shade.

Vertical gardening; It is now time for up or down growing. That's right, vertical gardening. So many techniques are available for upward growing. This ranges from the traditional trellis to a suspending hydroponic window garden. You have vast varieties of vertical gardening and only require being somehow creative.

You can grow vegetables in vessels but choose wisely. Vegetables like squash and pole beans need lots of space, while tomatoes need a deep pot. When you grow your own vegetables you will have tasty produce not the bland stuff that is in the grocery store. Nothing tastes better than a tomato right off the vine. There are many chefs and good home cooks that grow their own for just this reason.

Once having decided on your vessel, your next step is to decide what to plant. This will depend very much on the climate of where you live, the size of the vessel you have chosen and the height you want your display to be. If you wish to make the most of your vessel for the whole year, consider planting bulbs for the spring and then refilling your vessel with summer plants. A vessel filled with daffodils, tulips and hyacinths will not only look beautiful, but smell fragrant too.

Other vessel gardening ideas for the spring are bowls full of sweet perfumed Iris. They contain beautifully formed blooms which range in color from blues, yellows, purples, deep brown and reds. Pansies and daisies are particularly good for an outdoor display of color at this time of year. These are also suited to a hanging vessel. A shallow vessel of crocuses can look stunning if tightly planted.

Lastly, be strategic. After making up your mind to growing your vegetables, fruits or herbs and choosing the gardening technique, the most vital decision is selecting the right plants. Numerous plants need a minimum of six hours per day of direct sunlight. But others prefer partial shade especially in the peak of summer. All in all, examine your space, make the wise choice and you are ready to go.

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