mardi 8 août 2017

Tips On Mastering Your Voice Over Skills

By Maria Green

Voicing over a video or animation brings it to life. This is why producers look for the best skills in the market. Mastery of voice over will reduce the time taken by a producer to generate the clip and make you a premium quality talent. Because of the competitive nature of voicing, only the best talents stand a chance. Here is a simplified guide on how to master your skill and beat your competition.

Preview the script. Like any other skill, practice makes perfect. You might be tempted to do your rehearsals by heart. This will not allow you to capture the pronunciations, punctuation and intonations correctly. With the actual script, you can mark the areas that need emphasis so that the message can be delivered as desired. Once you build familiarity with your script, it will be easier to stress and emphasize marked areas.

The meaning of words on videos and commercials are determined by the context. Seek to understand the context of your script in order to deliver it perfectly. Grammar has breath marks, diction, tongue twisters and pronunciation to think about. However, there is a second dimension where words are used to express love, passion, disgust, contentment, anger, happiness, etc. Be deliberate when perusing the script to enable you capture these emotions.

Each script has an intention that must be brought out. It is the intentions that guide your interpretation of the script. There is a reason why the writer wants to bring out anger, passion, etc. The intentions could be to challenge, beg, encourage, seduce, etc. Capture the intentions in your interpretation.

There is great value in warming up. This happens in sports and performing arts, among other fields that rely on talent. Experts advise you to warm up the body as well as your voice. This puts the mind in the correct frame of mind that enhances your ability to deliver on the requirements of a script. Warm up takes the form of breathing and stretch exercises. Roll your head on the neck clockwise and anticlockwise in alternate motions. To deliver on expressions, stretch your facial muscles. Work with a professional coach to ensure that your vocals are properly warmed.

The best way to sharpen your skills is by criticizing yourself. You understand your potential better and can honestly judge whether you performed well or not. Record your voice and listen to it severally. There are software on mobile gadgets that will help you record and review the performance. Where resources are available, you can install a mini studio in the house. This enables you to practice and thus be ready any time a project comes up.

Sight reading will help. Short commercial scripts give you the opportunity to practice every word. However, when you have a long script, it is your ingenuity that will enable you get the job. It is impossible to practice for an audio book, for instance, because of its length. As such, your mastery of skills will make you a competitive talent.

There are excellent natural voice talents available in the market that only require direction. A professional coach will enable you hit your potential. You also need intense practice to improve on your delivery. Warm up and review the script to enable you breathe life into the words.

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