jeudi 20 juillet 2017

Facts About A Cavachon Puppy For Sale

By Matthew Fox

Breeder is a term used to refer to people who breed dogs for the purpose of producing the preferred breed. The mating of dogs is known as dog breeding. This process requires a very knowledgeable people to carry it out so as to get precise traits and qualities of the puppies. The dogs produced under this process are intended for specific functions by their owners. Before Considering a Cavachon puppy for sale, it is important to understand about the breeding process

The best friend for man is a dog and this has been known for a long timenow. Their usefulness has been known after man domesticating them. There are different categories of dogs. Sight dogs, dogs that guard livestock, hunting dogs, police dogs among others are major examples. Different dog breeding practices depend on their shapes, size and their behaviors.

The breeding can either be artificial or natural. The natural breeding is considered as a traditional method for it was used in the past. The breeding was conducted at the males place because the male are apprehensive outside their own territory. The dogs are left alone in reserved areas in order to mate without ant disturbances. The handlers of the dogs should be the owners themselves for they know their dogs. The breeding process can take some time as the dogs have to know each other perfectly.

Modern day breeding has been simplified by the variety of tools used and technology applied. Artificial insemination is the most common method used nowadays. Only the female dog (bitch) are required and a veterinarian. AI is recommended because it is safe and healthy. It also allows for a wide range of breeds.

The second or the third heat cycle is the best time for breeding a female dog. The first heat cycle occurs between 6 and 9 months. The health, breed and other factors should be considered. Male dogs become ready to breed at the age of 18 months. The breeder should allow a gap of 60 to 65 days. Puppies can be detected using X-rays.

During the sale of the puppies an owner is supposed to select a responsible buyer who is to take care of the pups. In some cases interrogations about the background of the buyers is important to check if he has children or other types of pets in their homes.

There are regulations put in place in the taking care of the new breeds of dogs. There is the use of contracts which are signed by the buyer and the seller. The buyer is supposed to return the dog if they are unable to take care of their animals. In some states there are kennel clubs and associations that are involved in taking care of the new breeds of dogs.

There are some challenges that breeders usually face. Particular inheritable undesired characteristics can be found in some dogs. Diseases such as the hip dysplasia can also affect dogs. Natural methods of breeding are recommended because there are those side effects that are caused by overuse of artificial methods. Another effect in breeding is depression, with offsprings of related dogs have reduced chances of survival.

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