samedi 27 mai 2017

Little Known Facts About Bio Identical Hormone Treatment Dallas

By Janet Parker

Bio identical hormones are hormones which are identical in composition to hormones produced by human bodies. They are commonly obtained from plants and animals species. They are used supplement low human hormones which result to imbalance. Hormones mostly supplemented are progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone hormones in the body. For this, Bio Identical Hormone Treatment Dallas is crucial.

During treatment, these natural hormones are supplemented in ones body where they had declined in their initial level. This supplementation is done by administering of these hormones. These supplementation hormone are administered through compounding. In compounding a doctor or pharmacist prescribes the way the supplement will be used in order to give desirable outcome the patient is requiring in the end.

The prescribed measures are given to patients after exclusive testing and research has been done on them. This is to make sure they will not accelerate the problem the patient is fighting but to treat it the best way possible. The hormones to be taken are also tested to ensure they are of same composition and constitution. This is to ensure that they will not out do then natural hormones leading to excessive hormone in the body. This will lead to restoration of the balance which had subsidized.

When natural hormones in the body subsidize and fall below their normal point, they lead to imbalance. This leads thus to effects which cause problems to people especially to women who are already in their menopause stage. The effects of low hormone include the loss of energy, some people also have problems while sleeping and lack of sleep (insomnia) and also general fatigue. Others have excessive gaining of weight.

To eradicate these problems, these hormones are administered to the sick person. Natural hormones which are initially low, are supplemented by these hormones thus the equilibrium level is restored. When equilibrium is restored, the effects and symptoms improve, and person becomes energetic and active again. These hormones are introduced to ones body in form of pills and gels that have been prescribed and advised by a doctor or pharmacist on their usage.

Treatment of people with hormone imbalance is very closely examined and the treatment adjusted according to the patient condition at the particular time. This calls for routine checkup of patients hormone levels. In order to determine the level of the hormone the doctor can use various tests like examining your saliva. In saliva the hormones are known to change widely from time to time thus calling for frequent tests. Blood and urine tests are also carried out in order to determine the actual hormone level hence the right prescription for this.

Treating using these hormones is safer and so much pure than treatment using drugs. These hormones have been tested and reported safe and pure for treatment of hormonal imbalances and other related problems. As long as one gets the right compounded hormone on a patient, there is a guarantee that the patient will feel well, and so much better early enough than when the patient has opted for other methods like therapy or replacement.

However treatment using them brings about some side effects to the body of the patient. These effects include itching of the surface where the bio identical hormone was introduced, and also some experience cramps and also headaches. This is because the body was not used to synthesizing the hormones and is all a new experience. However as the time goes by the side effects are no longer felt and this leads to healing.

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