lundi 27 février 2017

Excellent Qualities Of The New Delphinium CD

By Jerry Collins

Late bloomers in the contemporary music scene offer the most distinctive works, and there are a lot of them who have become popular. Great music is being made by people of all ages today, and age groups here do not relate since most things are available on YouTube and other sites. Some discovered playing late while others started young, stopped and then rediscovered their playing roots.

A musician who took the longer road and found himself entering the world of recorded music is Dean Maser. He made the rediscovery one night during the open mic of a hootenanny and went on to record Delphinium CD. Those lucky enough to know him listen are in for a treat.

In the spirit of James Taylor and the Depression era song Wandering, Maser has become something of a modern definer of wandering blues minstrelsy. He has followed the footsteps of masters like Bob Dylan, creator of a now accepted standard for wisdom in both music and literature. Plus, he creates a visually oriented kind of music a la Grant Wood with this album.

Delphinium is a way into seeing a legend filled world which partakes of spiritualism in the American West and the wide open skies of the Midwestern plains. The title is derived from the flower of the same name, which horticulturists know to bloom late, around June or July. This summer flower is broadly distributed, from the meadows to the uplands of pine.

His family belonged to a church, and it was the kind of music he made with guitars and ukeleles, and Kumbuyah is like a bad dream to him. All the years spent wandering the music world made the affliction apparent, and he has now lived that down and proceeded to discovering real spirituality. He says how high school made him drive for the works with a 3 song record that no one know will ever hear.

The musical artist also blogs, and this one is named The Good Ancestor, a deep reflection on influences and musical roots. He has traced the deepest roots for his art. As an artist, he has thus become awake from all these years of study, something his first album expresses well.

Maser also plays with a blues band, experienced musicians like himself and they have eclectically influenced new album coming. They call themselves SoulShine, and the album wander the discography of the idiom, from BB King to ZZ Top, from Cash to Dylan, Hendrix and Clapton. Blues fanatics should watch out for the work of this trio.

He recorded the album in studios in Boston and Minneapolis, with players coming from the Dakotas and Africa. His stand is all about making his influences come at as native to the album. Despite the eclecticism, all things that stand for the Blues are there, as defined by the first ditty ever dedicated to its source Old Man River.

The titles of songs on the list are Heroes, One Time, Strong Love and Heart Be True, among others. Also included are the title track, Easy to Bleed and Gypsy Woman, songs with strong reminders of blues traditions. Because that is what is all about, of Christians suffering things straight out of Bible history, about things so deep that the thought of them creates a well of tears.

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