dimanche 29 mai 2016

Thinking Of Buying A Vintage Violin

By Maria Long

Many people enjoy playing instruments as a hobby or to earn their living as a musician. Most will usually start off with a budget instrument when learning and progress to a more expensive one later on. After becoming more proficient, many players will consider purchasing a vintage violin and there are some important things to think about before you buy one.

If you speak to a professional musician, they will agree that the more expensive the instrument and the better quality it is, the better you will play and sound. All violins, which are handmade by skilled craftsmen, will have a unique tone and appearance. Before you buy a valuable violin it is highly recommended that you spend some time playing it to ensure it is the correct instrument for you.

A rare or valuable instrument will not be cheap and will cost considerably more than a mass produced model. A few things will determine the cost of these instruments and some care is needed when making your selection. There are reputable music shops in Huntington Beach, CA who deal in violins and they will be happy to guide you in your search for a suitable one.

When you have calculated how much money you wish to spend, you can start searching for your instrument. The price of antique violins will differ greatly and they can cost millions of dollars if they particularly rare. The maker, kind of wood, the age and the country where it was manufactured can all influence the sale price.

Musical instrument retailers are the best place to find and purchase a vintage instrument and many stores can be found in towns and cities. The good thing about using a shop to source instruments is that you can play the violin before you make a decision. Another plus point is that you can speak with the experienced staff that work in the shop and ask for their advice and guidance.

You can also find vintage instruments being sold by web based retailers and internet auction pages. You should exercise some care when purchasing items online, as you may not be able to play or view the item before buying. Any antique should be verified by an expert in their field as many counterfeits are frequently offered for sale as the genuine item.

When you buy a vintage item, you should always ask about its history and where the seller obtained it. Get some copies of receipts from when they purchased it if possible and if there are any serial numbers you can do some research via the maker if they are still operating. Ideally the violin should be in its original case and will have some kind of documentation from the makers.

The final thing to think about is insurance cover for your vintage instrument. A standard home contents policy will not cover a high value instrument and you should check with your insurer. There are specialist firms that can provide comprehensive cover for antiques and price quotes should be obtained before you make a decision.

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