mardi 12 janvier 2016

What Some Conspiracy Theory Parodies Have

By Stephanie Barnes

Theres more to the things which is why the community now are running havoc, taking covers and protecting themselves. Religions cross over their threshold to fight against each other, and politicians ordering military base to attack and a lot more. However, with how serious things has become, some individuals just like to put on some good laughs.

Things are exploding, people are trashing each other, everyone hurt but some are having a good time out of it. This is because of conspiracy theory parodies which has been a source of a few laughs. And in here, one will get the idea in how some of these individuals gets the hang of everything.

Many people are showing evidence or videos, or write ups that provides facts about these things out there now. Events that leave everyone breathless and thinking, what if theres more about it than what they actually say. This here will give anyone a funny observation whats been happening currently in the world.

Theres one user that questioned the Mandarin Oriental when it caught fire for their Chinese New Year finale. It was made from WTC steel but was not destroyed like an actual building would. He or she thinks that the government was actually doing it to raise taxes again, sounds familiar, yeah, it does.

The glorious effect of Pitch Perfect was related towards the attack of 9 11 where terrorist bombed the worlds tallest building. The video shows some scenes of this movie from gas to songs, from members to love interest which is really confusing but funny nonetheless. Its just amazing to think that one screenplay could affect somebody too much.

Theres also one post about the subject chart in which it teaches an individual how to look at situations behind the lines of it. The whole flow is actually funny because it deals with aliens and everlasting drugs which are in connection with the government. Aside from the actual funny images that it illustrates, and not to mention, it involves reptiles.

If someone thinks mental disorder is weird, well, one actually thinks that as crazier it gets its actually fake. The post said that the personnel were just drugging up their patients to make them look like it. In this, one gets to think, maybe it is or maybe not, its just one of those questions that makes everything else gets a little freaky.

A lot of online videos in the internet today will brighten up everyones day just by the animation and the script. One talked about what happened in Titanic as they said it was not the iceberg that killed everybody, it was the seal or walrus. Plus, have it in the way that they talk about it in a few minutes, one will be laughing until the fall off their chair.

Things in here are just one of the many things that will crack up anyone in any time of the day if he or she engages their time browsing through. There are many options in the internet for that and there is no harm in trying to go over it. Go through them now and be able to get the gist of what everyone is laughing about.

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