mardi 24 novembre 2015

How To Creatively Design A Custom Bow Tie

By Mattie Knight

Clothing takes in many forms and styles that varies according to the gender of a person. Most women usually have dress with imprinted designs. For men, they prefer clothes that suits comfortably to them and which feature is perfect for their tone body. Unlike the girls, the boys have less complexity in the kind of attire they wear as long as they favor it.

The styles and of men and women greatly differs from one another. Men should learn how to design a custom bow tie because this kind of idea is really useful. If a person wear a tie that looks elegant and pleasing, many people will surely please him. If you want to make your own ties, then here are the list of the possible actions that you must do.

Get all materials and stuffs ready. Preparation is the foremost and important phase you should do. Make a detailed and numbered list of all the materials that are needed. If you own any of these things, gather them in one place. Afterward, check its conditions and see to it that it has no damages or dilapidation. If there are, then replace it with newer ones.

Visit the best stores that sells the right sort of materials. Find the style, design and fabric that suits perfectly to the type of tie you desire to see. Visit some websites in the internet. Its also better to physically shop some stores that sells clothes. Be serious in your searching so you will definitely and surely find what you are looking for.

Know the measurement of your neck. Measure it with a measuring tape. Make sure that the numbers are right. Have an extension on the size. If you have a thirty four inch size, you should increase it a bit. Should you be unable to do it, you might get choke with your own work. For sure, you do not want this kind of thing to happen.

Perform the sewing process perfectly. There are two ways to sew your materials. First, you can use a machine. Nevertheless, its very important to have some learning about its functionality. Secondly, manually do the sewing procedure. Learn various techniques and styles that will help you accomplish the best result. Do not hesitate to repeat your work if needed to.

Your finished work should be iron immediately. A creased and wrinkled ties could be the effect after you have done the above mentioned steps. No worries, though. All you need to do is just to use an iron to straighten and flatten it so its texture will be smoother. Be careful on the temperature of the iron because it might burn your tie.

Maintain its good condition. This is the most important step of all. Since you have done everything, the last thing you have to do is to taking good care of its condition. Make sure that it always looks good on or before you use it.

Ties are wonderful creation that humans have made. It can make a person look elegant and fantastic, especially if he wears it in an event. These things that you have learned should always be keep in mind because it might help you in the long run.

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