samedi 22 août 2015

For Good Picture Frames Dublin Is Worth Visiting

By Shawn Hunter

A picture frame refers to the edging that is added to a picture such as a photograph or a painting for various purposes. The structure can serve to protect or enhance the appearance of the picture it holds. In some cases, it is meant to make it easier to display pictures. When in need of the best picture frames Dublin Ireland is the best place to check out.

Traditionally, these structures have always been made from wood. Wood is still the commonest material used in their construction even today even though other materials have been introduced. Some among the main materials currently gaining wide use include bronze, aluminum, silver, and various kinds of plastics such as polystyrene. New materials are being introduced because of a need for increased durability, beauty, and moldability among other properties, which may not be readily available in wood.

There are too many colors in which these products are made to imagine. Any theme or decor may be matched by choosing the right color. Another variable is the texture. However, gilding is common feature on most materials especially wood.

To protect pictures within a frame, acrylic glass or picture framing glass is used. Acrylate and Plexiglas are some of the examples of acrylic glass used. Panes are only useful if the artwork is not durable and can be damaged. Otherwise, they are not necessary. Panes protect artwork from damage making them durable, but they also keep them clean. Oil paintings are less covered by panes as are paper artworks.

One of the exceptions where glass pane may be used on paper artworks is when the value of the artwork is too high. Framing glass may also be treated with anti-reflective coatings so that the glass is almost invisible under certain lighting conditions. UV filtering may also be added to prevent degradation of artworks by UV light in brightly lit rooms.

Treatment methods for backs of framed artworks differ. Foam-core boards and backing paper are among the commonest in provision of support. Insects and dust are also kept out by the backing material. Insects and dust need to be kept out because they ruin artworks upon making contact. The cost of backing materials vary from very low or free of charge to very high in high end versions.

Most frames are rectangular or square in shape. However, oval and circular shapes are not so uncommon. Unusual shapes such as oval and circles are mostly meant for pictures used in homes or social events such as weddings. Those that are meant for public or commercial purposes are usually regular in shape, that is, rectangular or square. Another design called scoop is meant for pictures that are intended to be placed around a corner in a building.

Picture frames also come in several styles. The most common and which is also the easiest to construct is the L style frame. Another design is the photo cube. Photo cubes are special in design and are usually constructed to hold several pictures. The pictures may represent a timeline of events, a family, or a vacation. Other styles are box and clip frames, shadow boxes, and digital photo frame. Digital photo frame is the latest invention in this line of products.

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