jeudi 23 juillet 2015

Hosting Bachelorette Parties Newport RI

By Olive Pate

Before the bride would get married, it is always customary to throw a bachelorette party to celebrate the last day of being single before tying the knot. Now the ones responsible for these bachelorette parties newport RI are the bridesmaids, particularly the maid of honor. Now if one is not very familiar with how to do this, then here is a guide for those who are tasked to throw this kind of event.

Now in order to make sure that everything would go smoothly, then one has to simply make sure everything is done ahead of time. So even months before the said event, there should already be some consultations with the bride as to what the bride would want the party to be like. From there, it is the job of the maid of honor to brainstorm with the bridesmaids.

Now once all the brainstorming has been finished already, then a theme as well as a tentative date have to be set as well. Now the tentative date is quite important because it will give at least a benchmark as to when the attendees are going to be free or not. Of course in order to come up with the date, one has to consult with the possible attendees and create a standard.

Once this is already done, then the next thing to do would be to make the idea come to life. Now with the concept ready, then one can already make a rough outline of how the program flow would be. The outline will already include the list of materials as well as some of the equipment that will also be used in the event.

Aside from those materials, it is also very important to take note of the food and drinks that would be used too. Of course the party would also need some entertainment like a live band or some dancers to entertain the guests. Of course there has to be a budget as to how much will be spent on everything before anything is done.

One month before the event, the maid of honor must already make sure to send out the formal invites with the details. She has to make sure that everything is already ready and everything has to be booked. Also, a week before the event, she should start calling up guests in order to confirm whether they would be joining.

Now upon doing all of that, then one now has to prepare for the event. She has to make sure to buy the right clothes and just get ready for the party. Once all of those things are already ready, then just sit back and enjoy.

So for those who are beginners in this type of thing, here are a few tips that may help. Of course if one would want to have an easier time, then she may actually hire a professional to be able to help with the party. In fact, there are a lot of them that can be found in the city of Newport RI.

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