mercredi 27 mai 2015

All About Modest Islamic Clothing

By Tammie Caldwell

People wrongly assume that Islamic clothing for women is nothing but a big piece of black cloth that they wrap around themselves very loosely. It is a fact that being a Muslim, your clothes are influenced by your religious values but at the same time there are other circumstances that could influence your choice in this regards. When it comes to the availability of choice, you will be amazed to see so much variety with regards to modest Islamic clothing.

The basic criteria is to wear a piece of garment that not only covers your whole body but also looks very modest and decent on you. Your body parts should be covered properly and it shouldn't fit you tightly. Besides beings not too tight, it shouldn't be too loose or hanging down the floor as it is not preferred way of dressing either.

You may add your own personal style to your provided but keep in mind the criteria of modesty, otherwise there is nothing wrong in being conscious about your personal appearance. Your culture and tradition also influence your dressing style to a great extent and they should not be ignored.

For example, if you live in Middle East you will see that men and women both dress in a certain way. Women prefer wearing jilbabs or abayas and mostly their are black in color. On the other hand, men mostly wear a maxi which is long and usually white in color, its called a 'thawb'. Whereas, when you visit Asian countries their way of dressing is totally different.

For instance, Pakistan which is a heavily populated Muslim country has its own traditional dress which is Shalwar Kameez. Both women and men wear loosely fitted shirts called 'kameez' along with a loose pant known as 'shalwar'. Apart from that, women take a long scarf on top of that, you may see some women wearing abayas but it isn't very common.

On the off chance that you go to western nations that hold great Muslim populace you will find that both men and ladies wear western dresses yet there is unobtrusiveness in their clothing types. Ladies incline toward wearing inexactly fitted gasp alongside a long shirt and a scarf on top and men would wear approximately fitted pieces of clothing also.

It doesn't really matter where you live, the key is to wear anything that is non-revealing and decent in appearance. You are bound to wear clothes that do not reveal anything because otherwise you will be going against your religious values. It is quite possible to look smart and attractive even if you are wearing something loose. It depends on your personal preference that how you carry yourself in such clothes.

There are numerous online stores that are selling such apparel so you could make purchases whilst staying within the comfort of your home which means you don't necessarily have to go out anywhere. Moreover they are accessible at exceptionally reasonable prices so you do not need to stress over your finances.

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