mardi 15 avril 2014

Factors To Consider When Looking For Foreclosure Defense Lawyer To Hire

By Anita Ortega

Each year, millions of homeowners face foreclosure and thousands of them end up losing their homes. You can however delay or stop foreclosure process by hiring a professional foreclosure defense lawyer to guide you through the process. The defense lawyer will try to negotiate with the lender on your behalf to ensure that you do not lose your home. Before you hit the road in search of attorney, you must understand what makes a solicitor be good. Below are tips to help you choose a good one.

Avoid making this very important decision based on advertisement alone. Yellow pages are always filled with ads all of which carry the same message. Remember that anyone can buy a slick ad even if they have never handled even a single foreclosure case. This is why your best approach would be to seek referrals. This way, you would be dealing with lawyers who have been tested and proven to be good. Some of the reliable sources of referrals include your friends, relatives, colleagues and other attorneys who are not foreclosure specialists.

You should also go with a specialist in this field. Most people think that just because they know a solicitor, that person will make a good foreclosure attorney. You should choose a solicitor who has worked with these cases before. This will give you the best chances at litigation.

Also not to be forgotten is the legal charge. Unless the solicitor is a very close family member, you will have to compensate him/her for the legal services offered. Because of this, it is important to look for a solicitor you can easily afford. This calls for window shopping before making a choice.

Obviously, the longer the solicitor has been in this practice, the more knowledgeable they will be. Experience is very vital in specialized areas like foreclosure. Because of this, you should always look for lawyers with minimum of five years of active practice.

You must also be certain that the solicitor is licensed for your state before hiring him/her. Apart from this being a legal requirement, it is also in the best of your interest. You can easily report a licensed solicitor for any malpractice than one who does not have license number.

If possible, you should give domestic attorneys preference. This is so because implementation of foreclosure laws usually varies as per state. Because of this, a domestic attorney will have better understanding on how to apply the laws compared to a solicitor from another state or even country.

On many occasions, people have lost their homes due to wrong choice of attorney. You can avoid this nightmare by simply making the right choice. So take your time and ensure that you make the right choice.

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